
This section gives you some tips for handling specific cases in the use of airflow

Long running processes

The main ETL example uses a workflow with only short-running tasks. Extracting data and processing that should only take up to 5-10 minutes max at the most.

There are some cases where you have long running jobs that take one to several hours. You’d typically check in one of two ways whether this job has completed:

  • Check on an interface of some kind for job completion
  • Check for availability of the output of that job

For example, if you run a spark hadoop job that processes item-to-item recommendations and dumps the output into a data file on S3, you’d start the spark job in one task and keep checking for the availability of that file on S3 in another.

Quick deployment

Many organizations require a proof of concept to demonstrate the suitability of a software product to other engineers. In the root of this repository on github, you’ll find a file called _dockercompose-LocalExecutor.yml_. This file is used to demonstrate the ETL example and you should be able to edit and reuse that concept file to build your own PoC or simple deployment.

Other uses for the docker deployment are for training or local development purposes.

In the ETL example, there are files for:

  • Setting up a sample database. You can override this with other databases of your choosing, or rewire that into another docker deployment for mssql (also on linux now) or mysql.
  • A dag that sets up connections after you recreate your containers, which you need to run only once.
  • Some dags that demonstrate the ETL example, which you can replace by your own functional dags of your choosing.

Connection administration

Airflow stores connection details in its own database, where the password and extra settings can be encrypted. For development setups, you may want to reinstall frequently to keep your environment clean or upgrade to different package versions for different reasons.

The ETL example contains a DAG that you need to run only once that does this. You can change the source where this DAG gets the connection information from and then, after recreating the development environment, run that DAG once to import all the connection details from a remote system or a local file for example.

Implement a “Functional ETL” approach

The following URL points to a very interesting article that aims to remove chronological data dependencies and attempts to “isolate” your entire data pipeline into “intervals” that are individually reprocessable:

This approach helps you to make your platform more scalable and easier to manage/maintain.


Look into data lakes and data vault and develop a strategy to rebuild your data warehouse from scratch on demand. If all of your data is there in a lake or vault and you develop this capability, the discussions and friction you have with people on the subject of data warehousing become simpler, because you can simply regenerate everything on the fly when business requirements change. I.e. instead of fighting over important design decisions that become fixed in time because it’s really expensive to change them, you can change on a daily basis.

Data vault is also really interesting to generate different versions of the truth. If you work closely together with the business and the outcome of projected changes isn’t necessarily clear, you can just generate a DWH version of both using the same source data, which makes comparing version A to B a lot cheaper.