
It’s always a good idea to point out gotcha’s, so you don’t have to ask in forums / online to search for these issues when they pop up. Most of theses are consequential issues that cause situations where the system behaves differently than what you expect.

Start_date and interval confusion: The start_date specifies the first date and time for which you want to have data in a database. Airflow will run a job at start_date + interval, so after the interval has passed (because that’s when data becomes available). You can read more about the rationale in the Airflow FAQ

Execution date: The execution_date specifies the lowest date+time of the interval under consideration. This date is available as a macro under a variety of formats (see ds, ds_no_dash, ts, etc).

As from airflow 1.8 there are additional macro’s available to select one interval earlier or later than the execution date, available as python datetime.datetime objects.

  • {{ prev_execution_date }} the previous execution date (if available) (datetime.datetime)
  • {{ next_execution_date }} the next execution date (datetime.datetime)

Airflow starts a worker when any interval on the scheduler has just passed. This means you’d typically use execution_date together with next_execution_date to indicate the full interval.

Don’t forget to start a scheduler: When you use airflow for the first time, the tutorial makes you run a webserver, but doesn’t specify how to start a scheduler. If you play around with the web UI, specifically the tasks interface, you’ll notice that nothing gets rescheduled to be re-run. This is because you should run both a webserver and a scheduler.

You can start a scheduler on the shell through:

> airflow scheduler

Starting your first DAG development: When you start developing your first DAG you’ll probably rename a couple of task instances in the process. When a DAG was run for a particular date, the instances are actually recorded in the database against the old task instance name. The UI will only ever show the DAG diagram for the tasks as they are currently known, so if you renamed things, they won’t be there. If you had 2 tasks that were already run and you renamed both of them, the UI will be empty. You can trigger a full DAG rerun through the command line only in that case to get your UI back in order:

> airflow backfill -s YYYY-MM-DD -e YYYY-MM-DD <dag_id>

Don’t change start_date + interval: When a DAG has been run, the scheduler database contains instances of the run of that DAG. If you change the start_date or the interval and redeploy it, the scheduler may get confused because the intervals are different or the start_date is way back. The best way to deal with this is to change the version of the DAG as soon as you change the start_date or interval, i.e. my_dag_v1 and my_dag_v2. This way, historical information is also kept about the old version.

Refresh DAG in development: The webserver loads DAGs into the interpreter and doesn’t continuously update them or know when they changed. The scheduler however instantiates the DAGs continuously if they are needed. In the UI you can therefore see outdated versions when you check out the code or see the execution diagram. This is why there’s a refresh button on the main DAG screen, which is where you can reload the DAGs manually.

Run ExternalTaskSensors wisely. If you simply run them without a good strategy, they can all get started by the scheduler and if you have many DAGs that use sensors, this could consume all available task slots in the scheduler. The result is a deadlock where tasks cannot run to satisfy the sensor, because there are only sensors being scheduled.


  • Run tasks that sensors are waiting for with a higher priority and run sensors with a low priority
  • Set up a pool for sensors and limit the number that can be active
  • Some other method of your choosing that works

Not all parameters in operators are templated, so you cannot use Jinja templates everywhere. The Jinja templates only work for those fields in operators where it’s listed in the template_fields list inside the source file, like:

template_fields = ('audit_key', 'cycle_dtm')

Additional info: Check out the Project page for additional info (see the Resources & links section at the bottom of that page).

Also: The wiki